best sensitivity settings for ff india

Free Fire India Best Sensitivity Settings For Perfect Headshot

Free Fire India is a very fast game and you need to be quick to spot enemies and shoot accurately. Your aim depends on how fast you move your crosshair, open scope, and start shooting. Your aim accuracy not only depends on your device but also on how fast you adjust your aim, which depends on your response time and the sensitivity settings of your game. The sensitivity of your controls also helps you control recoil in long-range fights. In this post, we are providing you best sensitivity settings to make your gaming performance better.

Remember, every device is different in hardware and software specifications, so they vary in how fast it renders images, perceives touch, and transmits them. So what works on one phone might not work on another. Make adjustments as required for better results.

Best Sensitivity Settings for Free Fire India

Free Fire India sensitivity settings for close-range

  • General – 95
  • Red Dot – 90
  • 2X Scope – 85
  • 4X Scope – 75
  • Sniper Scope – 58
  • Free Look – 67

Free Fire India sensitivity settings for mid-range

  • General – 100
  • Red Dot – 80
  • 2X Scope – 70
  • 4X Scope – 60
  • Sniper Scope – 50
  • Free Look – 58

Free Fire India sensitivity settings for long-range

  • General – 100
  • Red Dot – 80
  • 2X Scope – 70
  • 4X Scope – 60
  • Sniper Scope – 52
  • Free Look – 58

How to Change Sensitivity Settings in Free Fire India?

To change the sensitivity settings in Free Fire India, follow these simple steps:

  • Open the Free Fire India on your device.
  • Tap on the gear icon located in the top-right corner of the home screen to access settings.
  • Select the “Sensitivity” option from the menu on the left side.
  • You’ll see a list of sensitivity settings on your screen. By default, they are set as follows: General – 65; Red Dot – 85; 2x Scope – 75; 4x Scope – 65; Sniper Scope – 50; Free Look – 65.
  • Adjust the sliders to change the sensitivity settings as given above.
  • Once you’re done, close the settings menu by tapping the ‘X’ icon.
  • Your new sensitivity settings are now saved. Play a few matches to test if they suit you.

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